Question 1.32

What is the difference between these initializations?

char a[] = "string literal";
char *p  = "string literal";
My program crashes if I try to assign a new value to p[i].

A string literal can be used in two slightly different ways. As an array initializer (as in the declaration of char a[]), it specifies the initial values of the characters in that array. Anywhere else, it turns into an unnamed, static array of characters, which may be stored in read-only memory, which is why you can't safely modify it. In an expression context, the array is converted at once to a pointer, as usual (see section 6), so the second declaration initializes p to point to the unnamed array's first element.

(For compiling old code, some compilers have a switch controlling whether strings are writable or not.)

See also questions 1.31, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.8.

References: K&R2 Sec. 5.5 p. 104
ANSI Sec. 3.1.4, Sec. 3.5.7
ISO Sec. 6.1.4, Sec. 6.5.7
Rationale Sec. 3.1.4
H&S Sec. 2.7.4 pp. 31-2

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